【Toward Achieving Same-Sex Marriage】 Supporting the “Marriage for All” Lawsuit

Currently in Japan, people of the same legal gender cannot marry each other.

However, to change this current situation and achieve equality in marriage, “The Marriage for All” Lawsuit is taking place to realize “same-sex marriage.” 

If the court issues a verdict stating that not allowing marriage between people of the same legal gender is a violation of the constitution, it will encourage the legislative branch, the National Diet, to create (or change) laws. How can we support such efforts and what can we do to contribute?


Communicating with Local Representatives

When it comes to issues that are considered to have low public interest, lawmakers often overlook them. Therefore, it is crucial to directly tell your concerns to local elected representatives of the Diet.

If voices from residents of the elected region expressing the desire for marriage equality and the realization of same-sex marriage reach your local representatives, there is a higher chance that they will pay attention to these issues. By individually communicating the wish for marriage equality and pointing out the inequality of not legally recognizing same-sex marriages, each person can contribute to raising public awareness. This, in turn, can move the Diet and the court.

During election campaigns, when encountering members of the Diet or candidates during street speeches, you can directly express these thoughts or send them through letters and emails.

To find contact information for members of the Diet, you can check the Marriage for All Japan Parliament Meter.


Marriage for All Japan Parliament Meter

The Marriage for All Japan Parliament Meter also provides sample letter templates and information on how to get in touch.

Attending the Trial and Spreading Awareness

An important method to express individual attention to this issue is to “attend the trial.” By learning what kind of exchanges actually take place in trial, you may be able to realize something new.

The fact that “the issue is of significant public interest that many people wish to attend the trial” is considered to be a rise of public opinion. This can be the pressure to move the Diet and the court.

If you are considering attending a trial, you can check the date and information here:


Information is also shared on social media platforms. Even if you cannot attend the trial in person, simply sharing updates such as “Today was the trial” or “What were the results?” can trigger an increase in support for the “Marriage for All” lawsuit. It might be a good idea to follow relevant accounts to stay informed.

Making a Donation

Individuals and companies can contribute through donations to support. To continue ongoing activities, financial support is essential. If you want to show your support but find it challenging to attend trials or events in person, making a donation is an immediate way to participate.

You have the option to make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter.

To make a donation, visit:


If We Don’t Speak Up, It Won’t Be Heard

While there is a growing number of people who support marriage equality, there are still not enough taking actual action within this group. It’s easy to think, “I’m okay with same-sex marriage, but it doesn’t matter to me…” and do nothing.

However, the current reality is that less than a majority of members of the Diet are “in favor” or “leaning towards being in favor” of “same-sex marriage.” To achieve marriage equality, it is crucial for more people to take “action” rather than just observe.

If we don’t speak up, our voices won’t be heard. If you want to support the “Marriage for All” lawsuit, why not start with small actions together?