【Explained Through Manga】What is Mansplaining? The Structure that Generates the Idea “You Shouldn’t Know Because You’re a Woman”
Explaining something extensively to someone about things they already know, and possibly even things they might know better than you. Moreover, explaining in a condescending manner, assuming that “this person is a woman, so she probably doesn’t know or understand.”
Did you know about this behavior called “mansplaining”?
A combination of the words “man” and “explaining,” it’s a term that was coined and popularized in the book “Men Explain Things To Me” by an American author Rebecca Solnit, published in 2014.
This time, we will introduce an experience related to mansplaining, a relatively new term, through manga.
The Meaning of Mansplaining
As mentioned earlier, mansplaining is a term formed by combining “man” and “explaining.” It’s a term that was coined and popularized in the book “Men Explain Things To Me” by an American author Rebecca Solnit, published in 2014.
In art galleries, during theater performances, while working part-time in customer service, with a business client, or after a lecture…
Even when it comes to things you already know, especially those considered to be better understood by women, some (and many) men have a tendency to explain things in a one-sided manner, with an attitude that suggests “I know better.”
This kind of mansplaining can happen in just about any situation.
Some might have continued responding politely, fearing that showing annoyance could lead to the man’s anger. However, by doing so, it’s difficult for the man to realize that you are bothered, and mansplaining can go on and on…
We think many people have experienced frustration due to such mansplaining.
When You’re Worried About Mansplaining…
“Even if I was explaining with good intentions, maybe it could come across as mansplaining to the other person…” You might feel anxious about this.
In such moments, first ask yourself, “Did the other person ask for an explanation? Am I really more knowledgeable about this topic than they are?” After considering that, it’s also recommended to try changing the situation and assuming different scenarios as shown below.
- If the other person had a different gender, would you explain in the same way?
- If the other person was older or in a more authoritative position, would you explain in the same way?
Is Being Mansplained Just Bad Luck?
Perhaps, upon hearing such experiences, some might think:
“It’s just bad luck.”
“It’s just a coincidence.”
Or even if you’ve felt frustrated by similar experiences, some might think:
“It’s because I don’t seem very smart.”
“It’s my fault for not confidently walking away.”
However, it’s because of the societal trends and structures that make mansplaining more likely that this issue has become something many people experience and empathize with.
Within the feminist movement, there’s a famous slogan: “The personal is political.” It means that the discrimination and biases we experience in our daily lives are closely tied to political matters. However, opportunities to link this societal structure with our personal experiences are not that common.
“This isn’t just happening to me due to my personal circumstances; there’s a structure in society that leads to mansplaining.”
Still, by learning words to address that feeling of discomfort, you can realize, “Ah, other people have had the same experience. I wasn’t alone in this.” Additionally, even if they’re not yet shared, the small frustrations you feel daily might be felt by someone else too.
Reading this comic or text might lead some to think, “Not all men do this,” or “Women can also do this.” And that’s not wrong. However, in a society where the tendency to disregard women still exists, it’s a fact that there are many situations where “men tend to explain things to women.”
To create a society where everyone can communicate comfortably without being underestimated, it is important to avoid rejecting the problem just because of a feeling of personal blame. Instead, how about we view it as a societal structure and think about what positive steps we can take?
(Text: Saki Yoshimoto, Translation: Jennifer Martin)